Thursday, December 27, 2012


I recently learned a hard lesson about trust. It's important to have a support system in life. A support system is family and friends who truly love you.

If you betray a member of your support system with a heartless act the whole system will fall apart. You don't want this to happen so my lesson is:

If someone trusts you be trust worthy.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


When you know the prioritization of your values your actions will line up accordingly. I think about that in my business and it guides my diligence and dedication to my clients. Personally, I place a very high value on my relationships and take no one for granted. No one has to be kind to me or do anything for me so I value those who do. My responsive action is to reciprocate the kindness. So I've learned to let me actions reflect the value I place on all of my relationships.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Think about this:

I have asked myself why I have recurring similar adversities in my life. It seems like the same problems or obstacles are in my path. I now know that these may be the same battles, sometimes with disguises, but each outcome can be different. Sometimes we have to fight the same battles over and over again to win the war. It seems repetitive, but, think about it, we learn something from each battle. When we fight the same battle we sharpen our tools, perfect our strategy and increase our strength.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pre-Christmas Thoughts

We are two weeks away from Christmas and many people are stressed trying to get the right toy or gift for their loved one. I've learned not to get caught up in that unnecessary stress. The Christmas season is about miracles, love, caring, sharing and hope. I find good health for my loved ones and me as a top priority right now. Just to be able to enjoy the company of my family at Christmas time is good enough for me.

As a Caregiver, I ask God to give me strength and keep me standing because if I go down my house will fall. These thoughts have crossed my mind these past few days as I battle a bad cold.

So realize what's up and don't stress about things that aren't important. I'd rather have good health any day, even Christmas Day.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hills and Valleys

Every hill has its valley. Sometimes it may seem like you are on a roller coaster in life but I have learned that fluctuations create more depth, interest and character. Think about it... lessons are learned while in the valley. Strength is gained while in the valley. Skills are sharpened while in the valley. Thank God for my valleys. 

So accept, analyze and improve while in the valleys and you will shine on your hills.

This I have learned in my life.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


This Thanksgiving Day I give thanks to God for bringing me thus far. The last couple of months have been heartbreaking and my appreciation for life is greater. I thank Him for my cousin and my big brother. My generation is older and we have been shown that time is winding down. I wake each morning and literally thank Him for waking me up. Once I’m up I strive throughout my day to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

As I greet people in passing I smile and will stop to talk. I was talking to a lady the other day in Kentucky Fried Chicken. I didn’t go through the drive-thru for some reason. She was talking about how hungry she was and was on her way to work. She placed her order and searched for her money or debit card. She discovered she didn’t have either and couldn’t get her food. I told the cashier to add her order to mine because we could all be in that situation. She thanked me and said she was online paying some bills before she left home and left her debit. She is trying to get her credit together to buy a home. I told her I am a Realtor and she took my card and is preparing to buy a home.

Had I stayed in the drive-thru or not talked with her or not shown compassion I would not have been able to bless her and would have missed my blessing.

Thank you Lord for all You’ve done for me

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


My personal relationships are very important to me. I have found that relationships with others out of convenience are not desirable. I choose my relationships carefully because they can either enhance or inhibit my life. 

Every relationship has to be defined and categorized. Close relationships must be supportive of your goals and direction. If someone is not for you, they are against you. It’s just that simple.

I distance myself from those who show animosity and negative actions. Life is too short to associate with those who don’t support you. Even if you have fewer people in your life, those few will contribute more to your happiness and success than the many so-called friends you could have around you.

One true friend is worth more than ten haters. Evaluate your personal relationships and go forth accordingly.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I have always been told I am different; that I just have to stand out; I just have to go against the flow. I don’t strive to be different or stand out or go against the flow. I strive to be me.

Individuality takes courage. Some people want acceptance so they conform to make others happy and comfortable. I am considerate of others but not at the cost of jeopardizing who I am. I don’t allow others to infuse me with negativity and doubt about who I am.

Individuality makes you unique. This allows you to lead rather than follow. 

So I will continue to be me and dress like me and wear my hair like me, an individual.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Knowledge is power. In my life, I seek to learn each day and tend to share with others what I know to be true. This thirst for knowledge has driven me most of my life. As a result, I have worked and played in many different arenas. The cumulative effect of my diversity is powerful.

Learn all you can about all you can. Knowledge can redirect your life’s path. Knowledge can increase your self-confidence. Knowledge can protect your loved ones. Knowledge can give you peace. Knowledge can facilitate forgiveness. Knowledge can sustain you. Knowledge can help you grow.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Emotions can be very powerful catalysts in determining results. I have recently experienced this in my personal and business life. We have disappointments at home, we lose those we love and we have happy events occur. All of these events can control our emotions, as they should.

You have to develop emotional resilience in your business life.

My life lesson in this experience is to know your business, which gives you confidence in your position or opinion. Then, if confronted with negative emotions, let it be known you are not engaging in that and will remain positive. You will then be successful in most of your business relationships because you can clearly think about what moves to make.

Be patient, be attentive, be confident, be a listener, be successful

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Multiple Roads

We make a choice to engage in our life’s work and relationships based on what we believe our best or available option at that time. Sometimes we are confronted with obstacles or unexpected consequences. Things just don’t turn out like we thought and we feel defeated, disheartened and sad.

Remember, you have multiple roads to take in life and never be afraid or hesitant to change your road and travel on a different path. I have advised my son and grandson to change roads when needed and not feel as though you have failed because of this change. A failure will not change and continue on the road filled with obstacles and roadblocks and, as a result, never reach their destination or full potential.

I have lived my life full of life direction changes and this has made me a well-rounded, experienced person, a success at living my life. I always ask God to reveal to me His will for my life and patiently wait for Him to reveal that direction.

So don’t fear changing roads in your life. Gather knowledge from each path and travel the new road with confidence. I know we all have multiple roads we can travel so roll on and don’t look back.

Never be afraid to change. Change is growth, and growth is necessary to realize all that God has for you.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Big Brother

My big brother has always been a star in my family. When he walked into a room all eyes are on him. He was voted Most Handsome in his high school senior class. He dated a majorette and she was one of the most beautiful women I had seen. They had beautiful children and love was shared throughout our family.

Over the years my big brother and I have not seen each other as much because we have moved to different cities but when we see each other we hug so hard and long and feel the love. Oh how I love my big brother.

My big brother passed from this life on Monday of this week and I will never get to see him and hug him again. I keep thinking about things unsaid and how we should have talked more often but that will never happen now.

Hug your loved ones now, say what you need to say now, forgive now, and say I love you now.

Oh how I wish I could see my big brother now

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

God's Plan

You never know what God’s plan is for your life. You have to make each day filled with showing love, providing help, making others smile and praising Him. As parents, we prepare ourselves to make this journey and one day leave this world for the next and leave our kids behind. Sometimes it doesn’t happen that way; sometimes our kids leave us. That’s harder to accept because it’s not the natural order of expectations.

God’s plans are unknown to us and He is the great Architect of life. You can be sick and feel the end is near and all of a sudden another person you don’t expect to leave is suddenly gone. You ask how this happened and why. It’s God’s plan.

I am faced with much sadness today because this has now happened in my family. Someone I always looked at as strong and in control has left this world. His mother is left with a void in her heart because this is not the natural order of things.

Show love and spend time with your parents and loved ones today because tomorrow may be too late.

We never know for sure God’s Plan

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thankful for Each Day

When I was young and went to church I would listen to the Preacher, the Deacons and the songs with questions in my mind. I wondered why they would say:

Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning, allowing me to get clothed in my right mind and starting me on my way.

What did they mean by that? Now I know because every morning I wake up I thank Him for allowing me one more day of life in this world. I then get out of bed and can choose what to wear and put my clothes on with ease, and I might say, a little finesse. Then I get my day started as I walk, talk, sing and smile.

Now I know what the Preacher, the Deacons and the songs mean. You never know when things can change in your life where you can’t see or do for yourself so make each day count. Be thankful for each day and show love every day. 

Remember, He didn’t promise you sunshine each day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Positive Thoughts

Many people say you have to find a job and stick with it to build your financial foundation in life. I have worked many jobs in my life and for some reason never felt the desire to stay. I realized that my heart and mind were independent and I needed to work for myself. I chose Real Estate because it is what is in my heart. I study Real Estate, live Real Estate and dream Real Estate. The happiness I bring to my clients means more to me than anything. I encourage my clients to remain positive to keep them on a forward track. If you let negativity take control you won’t succeed.

Even though the economy has negatively affected the Housing Industry I remain positive. My positive thoughts have become daily actions toward my goal. Now the light is shining and my Real Estate business is growing. I will remain positive in all circumstances and let no one tell me different.
Positive thoughts bring about daily actions and result in success.

Hang in there and know victory is yours to claim……

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Time to Plant and a Time to Reap

Sometimes I plant flower bulbs in November knowing the flowers won’t emerge until the spring or summer. I anxiously await the arrival of a new season. I have found that life is again similar to gardening. We want to achieve prosperity and provide the desires of our heart as we are working. What I now know is true is that you plant your seeds in preparation for the day you can no longer function at the same level physically. As long as we keep living, that day will surely come. I hope to be ready to reap a bountiful harvest so I am planting, fertilizing, and tending my foundation.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Seasons of My Life - Spring

As I look back over my life I can see each season or phase clearly. In the spring I am excited by the anticipation of blooming flowers and trees. As a teen I was anticipating the arrival of my child. I had no idea what was ahead, but, with the support of my mother, grandmother and Aunt I bloomed into a young mother eager to experience all that life could offer.  Just like the spring season has April showers, so did my life. As I look back at that season, I now know that my foundation for who I am now was formulated from my teen life as a mother. I wouldn’t trade my life with any other. So let the rain fall on you as you absorb and store for future use as the beautiful, sweet flower you become. 
Many thought I wouldn’t make it….. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Childhood Memories

Many days I think about my childhood. I grew up with several strong women guiding me and I was the youngest of my siblings. We were not considered middle-class and lived mainly in a very small home. I felt we had everything and never missed a meal so I was happy. As long as I could play with my paper dolls and jacks it was a great day.

Today we are infused with ideas of achieving status and things. This desire can create frustration, stress, and disappointment and cause us to do things we shouldn’t. If we just spend a little time reflecting on our childhood memories we can reset our goals to appreciate and enjoy life for the simple pleasure of living.

Everyone will not have the big house and the luxury car but remember…..
                Some is better than none