Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hills and Valleys

Every hill has its valley. Sometimes it may seem like you are on a roller coaster in life but I have learned that fluctuations create more depth, interest and character. Think about it... lessons are learned while in the valley. Strength is gained while in the valley. Skills are sharpened while in the valley. Thank God for my valleys. 

So accept, analyze and improve while in the valleys and you will shine on your hills.

This I have learned in my life.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


This Thanksgiving Day I give thanks to God for bringing me thus far. The last couple of months have been heartbreaking and my appreciation for life is greater. I thank Him for my cousin and my big brother. My generation is older and we have been shown that time is winding down. I wake each morning and literally thank Him for waking me up. Once I’m up I strive throughout my day to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

As I greet people in passing I smile and will stop to talk. I was talking to a lady the other day in Kentucky Fried Chicken. I didn’t go through the drive-thru for some reason. She was talking about how hungry she was and was on her way to work. She placed her order and searched for her money or debit card. She discovered she didn’t have either and couldn’t get her food. I told the cashier to add her order to mine because we could all be in that situation. She thanked me and said she was online paying some bills before she left home and left her debit. She is trying to get her credit together to buy a home. I told her I am a Realtor and she took my card and is preparing to buy a home.

Had I stayed in the drive-thru or not talked with her or not shown compassion I would not have been able to bless her and would have missed my blessing.

Thank you Lord for all You’ve done for me

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


My personal relationships are very important to me. I have found that relationships with others out of convenience are not desirable. I choose my relationships carefully because they can either enhance or inhibit my life. 

Every relationship has to be defined and categorized. Close relationships must be supportive of your goals and direction. If someone is not for you, they are against you. It’s just that simple.

I distance myself from those who show animosity and negative actions. Life is too short to associate with those who don’t support you. Even if you have fewer people in your life, those few will contribute more to your happiness and success than the many so-called friends you could have around you.

One true friend is worth more than ten haters. Evaluate your personal relationships and go forth accordingly.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I have always been told I am different; that I just have to stand out; I just have to go against the flow. I don’t strive to be different or stand out or go against the flow. I strive to be me.

Individuality takes courage. Some people want acceptance so they conform to make others happy and comfortable. I am considerate of others but not at the cost of jeopardizing who I am. I don’t allow others to infuse me with negativity and doubt about who I am.

Individuality makes you unique. This allows you to lead rather than follow. 

So I will continue to be me and dress like me and wear my hair like me, an individual.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Knowledge is power. In my life, I seek to learn each day and tend to share with others what I know to be true. This thirst for knowledge has driven me most of my life. As a result, I have worked and played in many different arenas. The cumulative effect of my diversity is powerful.

Learn all you can about all you can. Knowledge can redirect your life’s path. Knowledge can increase your self-confidence. Knowledge can protect your loved ones. Knowledge can give you peace. Knowledge can facilitate forgiveness. Knowledge can sustain you. Knowledge can help you grow.