Friday, April 26, 2013

Let Them Play Their Hand

A lesson I just confirmed is related to when you notice someone is plotting negative actions or doing something against someone. You may feel compelled to bust them and stop the actions but wisdom has shown me to allow them to play their hand. If their actions are completed they have to reap what is sown. The lesson in that for you is invaluable because you now know what they are capable of and you can alienate yourself from the negative. Now I'm not talking about terrorists but people around you every day and malicious actions.

Recently, they aired The Bible on TNT and it made me think about the series of events leading up to them crucifying Jesus. Jesus turned the tables over on the money changers. The subsequent series of events had to occur and Jesus knew that. He died to save us. So if we have to experience the results of negative actions by allowing them to play out, so be it.

Let them play their hand 

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