Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Delayed Consequences

Think about how you treat people and your actions toward them. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself  "what are my actions?" 

When a loved one transitions to the next level and they have trusted their all to someone other than you don't target that person negatively and blame them. The consequences of your actions may not be realized until that moment. Think about what you have done to contribute positively and negatively to their life. Just because you are blood does not entitle you to privilege. What entitles you to privilege is your relationship to that transitioned person.

So just when you think you have got by with your negative actions the truth can slap you in the face. What I have learned is to treat people with respect, care for those who show you favor, think about the consequences of your actions and you will reap accordingly. As long as you are within God's will you are safe.

Do the right thing because delayed consequences can be hard to swallow.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Friend or Acquaintance

I know it's been a minute since my last post but I have a life lesson that has taken me until yesterday to realize. I want you to think about how many people you have in your life who have had your back and show love by actions. Many of us know people but really have only a few friends. Really think about that. 

My best friend for many years has been my mate, Robert, and my family knows him well. He has shown me a strength through much affliction that amazes me. Imagine if you have critical illnesses and then you lose your ability to see. How would you face life? I have gained much wisdom and growth by his teachings. He has embraced my family as his and my son as his pride and joy.

I truly love my best friend. Robert transitioned from this life yesterday, June 3rd, and it's like a part of me is missing. I will miss him. 

So evaluate your relationships and hold dear those who are truly your friend. I am so blessed to have had him in my life for over 25 years.

Mr. Robert Smith

Friday, April 26, 2013

Let Them Play Their Hand

A lesson I just confirmed is related to when you notice someone is plotting negative actions or doing something against someone. You may feel compelled to bust them and stop the actions but wisdom has shown me to allow them to play their hand. If their actions are completed they have to reap what is sown. The lesson in that for you is invaluable because you now know what they are capable of and you can alienate yourself from the negative. Now I'm not talking about terrorists but people around you every day and malicious actions.

Recently, they aired The Bible on TNT and it made me think about the series of events leading up to them crucifying Jesus. Jesus turned the tables over on the money changers. The subsequent series of events had to occur and Jesus knew that. He died to save us. So if we have to experience the results of negative actions by allowing them to play out, so be it.

Let them play their hand 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Back in Stride Again

I had to take a break but I'm back in stride again. I have learned a very valuable lesson over the last few weeks. People kept telling me "take care of yourself" and I would reply that I am taking care of myself. Well, that goes deep because I was wrong. 

Nutritional support involves eating to keep your body in balance. I have to concentrate on my intake each day to make sure I remain in balance. I live a very hectic, emotionally charged, ever changing life, as many do. With that said, I am here to tell you I was not eating right and my body told me so. I now eat to maintain a healthy balance in my life and if there's something I have on my To-Do List that needs postponing I do that. We have 24 hours each day and to truly take care of myself I have to make sure I take care of my nutritional and mental self. 

Are you really taking care of yourself? Your body will tell you. I am putting myself first more and this makes me able to be of better service to others in my life. 

Take care of yourself

Friday, March 8, 2013

Being A Woman

On this International Women's Day I reflect on what it means to me as a woman. I have always said I love being a woman. I thank God for making me a woman.

As a woman I have brought life into the world, I nurture my grandchildren, I multi-task each day to get things done, I embrace my femininity. Thank God for making me a woman.

Stand tall and stick your chests out women because, like James Brown said, "this is a man's world but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman or a girl.

May God continue to bless and strengthen all women because being a woman is the ultimate high. Work it girls!!


Friday, March 1, 2013

The Gift of Sight

Many of us take what we see each day for granted. What if you couldn't see the TV, read a book, know what food is on your plate or who is in the room with you? The gift of literal sight is something my best friend does not have now. He does, however, have the gift of internal sight which is invaluable to him and to me. 

We've all heard that beauty is only skin deep. The gift of sight goes beneath the skin. If I lost my ability to literally see I sure want to be able to see within. The gift of sight is the ability to detect sincerity. 

Take care of your eyes and pay attention to determine if people are sincere. 

Friday, February 22, 2013


The one thing I say each and every day is "thank you Lord for all you've done for me". I've learned that showing gratitude increases my blessings. Life is a gift and we all say thank you when we receive a gift so I have FAITH - For All I Thank Him. 

My son played a song for me the other day that I used to lead in the church choir and those words came to mind again today:

God has not promised me sunshine
That's not the way it's going to be
But a little rain mixed with God's sunshine
A little pain makes me appreciate the good times
Be grateful 

Gratitude can enrich your life with endless possibilities.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Family - Friend

Family is the foundation of our life. As kids we know and automatically trust our family. When we become adults we begin to see our family members true character.

All family members are not friends. Allow family involvement in your life according to the character of that person and not their family relationship. I have learned recently you can love your family member because they are family but not like them for their character. I want to be close to those who have shown themselves to be friends whether related or not.

It is what it is and that's the way it is for me.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I have recently learned a valuable lesson about courage. If someone commits a cruel act against a loved one and refuses to face that person to admit guilt that is a cowardly act. You may be afraid of what that person will say to you or how others will look at you but you must, in spite of those fears, have the courage to confront those fears. There can be no resolution or repentance with the absence of courage.

Courage is required to do what is right and if you lack that courage your character is greatly flawed. You risk your salvation and you will reap what you have sown.

Courage is an important virtue.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Hope is very powerful. Hope can lighten your heart. Hope can give you strength to fight a battle or complete a task. Hope will help you sleep at night. Hope will catapult you into action.

Having hope does not guarantee things will turn out like you want but you'll feel a whole lot better as you move forward. Hope can help you heal both spiritually and physically. True hope will transform your world.

Always have hope because, again I say, hope is very powerful.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Flow of Life

As we live our life and changes occur we have to adjust to the flow of our life. You find your stride and make the adjustment. I recently learned that if you are not physically and mentally strong at the time of adjustment it takes longer to adjust. The adjustment may not be what you want it to be, but, it becomes your reality.

So keep yourself strong so you can adjust to the flow of your life as it changes. It will change because everything must change.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We all expect to be treated fairly and with kindness as we want to be treated. Sometimes we have to raise our expectations in order for us to receive this level of treatment. If you have a loved one receiving treatment in a medical setting and you get an uneasy feeling due to the lack of action and compassion from those delivering the care don't just accept what they say.

Today medical professionals told my loved one they were releasing him from the hospital and to go home and get his affairs in order. I didn't just accept that but I requested a second opinion. This really shocked them because they expected us to just give up. No way. We now have options and hope. So I know raised expectations yield greater positive results.

Raise your expectations

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Live your live as if everything is a blessing. The positive aspects are obvious blessings. The negative aspects are also blessings with lessons.

Live your life by working heartily as you would if God is watching you.

Live your life today because things can change in the blink of an eye.

Today I prayed and maintained my faith in God through a storm. The wave has calmed for now but I know it can change again tomorrow.

Live your life today. Love your life today.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


I have learned that your character depicts how successful you are as a person. I want to make sure my character reflects a person of my word and consideration for others. When you have questionable character no one wants to be around you. Your actions will show your character whether you want them to or not. Remember, good character equals good seeds sown and you definitely reap what you sow.