Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thankful for Each Day

When I was young and went to church I would listen to the Preacher, the Deacons and the songs with questions in my mind. I wondered why they would say:

Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning, allowing me to get clothed in my right mind and starting me on my way.

What did they mean by that? Now I know because every morning I wake up I thank Him for allowing me one more day of life in this world. I then get out of bed and can choose what to wear and put my clothes on with ease, and I might say, a little finesse. Then I get my day started as I walk, talk, sing and smile.

Now I know what the Preacher, the Deacons and the songs mean. You never know when things can change in your life where you can’t see or do for yourself so make each day count. Be thankful for each day and show love every day. 

Remember, He didn’t promise you sunshine each day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Positive Thoughts

Many people say you have to find a job and stick with it to build your financial foundation in life. I have worked many jobs in my life and for some reason never felt the desire to stay. I realized that my heart and mind were independent and I needed to work for myself. I chose Real Estate because it is what is in my heart. I study Real Estate, live Real Estate and dream Real Estate. The happiness I bring to my clients means more to me than anything. I encourage my clients to remain positive to keep them on a forward track. If you let negativity take control you won’t succeed.

Even though the economy has negatively affected the Housing Industry I remain positive. My positive thoughts have become daily actions toward my goal. Now the light is shining and my Real Estate business is growing. I will remain positive in all circumstances and let no one tell me different.
Positive thoughts bring about daily actions and result in success.

Hang in there and know victory is yours to claim……

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Time to Plant and a Time to Reap

Sometimes I plant flower bulbs in November knowing the flowers won’t emerge until the spring or summer. I anxiously await the arrival of a new season. I have found that life is again similar to gardening. We want to achieve prosperity and provide the desires of our heart as we are working. What I now know is true is that you plant your seeds in preparation for the day you can no longer function at the same level physically. As long as we keep living, that day will surely come. I hope to be ready to reap a bountiful harvest so I am planting, fertilizing, and tending my foundation.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Seasons of My Life - Spring

As I look back over my life I can see each season or phase clearly. In the spring I am excited by the anticipation of blooming flowers and trees. As a teen I was anticipating the arrival of my child. I had no idea what was ahead, but, with the support of my mother, grandmother and Aunt I bloomed into a young mother eager to experience all that life could offer.  Just like the spring season has April showers, so did my life. As I look back at that season, I now know that my foundation for who I am now was formulated from my teen life as a mother. I wouldn’t trade my life with any other. So let the rain fall on you as you absorb and store for future use as the beautiful, sweet flower you become. 
Many thought I wouldn’t make it…..